How Photos for Schools work

How it works

We have 2 options -

The first option is that we arrive and set up, once we are ready (at the time agreed), children are brought to us in class order and photographed. Once the group have been photographed they return to the classroom.
A few days later, the proof cards are returned to the school packaged in class order for ease and the class teachers then give them out to children or their parents.
At this point, importantly, parents now have a solid tangible product with a photograph of their child on. They can then scan the barcode and enter an access code to access their images. We can arrange to have the images returned to the school, or sent directly to the home address.
This takes minimal time and effort from your already busy staff.

The second option is very similar to the 1st. The children are brought for their photograph, and each child is provided with their own code. This code is then handed to the child or the parent who then access the website with the code and order their photographs once they are uploaded. We can arrange to have the images returned to the school, or sent directly to the home address. A known downside to this method is children swapping codes, the parent then accesses the wrong photographs. Also, parents do not have a tangible product, so it's easy to put the code away and forget about it.
This takes minimal time and effort from your already busy staff.

So, either method keeps staff involvement to a minimum, either hand out codes, or hand out the proof cards. With either option it may be arranged to have photographs returned to the school, if the school allows, or they may be sent direct to the parents.